Wing commander privateer mods
Wing commander privateer mods

wing commander privateer mods

The series also pioneered a lot of technology and advances we take for granted nowadays. The game setting is influenced by the interest of Chris Roberts (creator of the series) in Top Gun (the player character's callsign, established in later Canon, is Maverick, for example), as well as Star Wars (see the final mission of Wing Commander III, among other examples). The player is a fighter pilot serving, in most games, in the Terran Confederation Space Force. when they're not being blown to dustbunnies by much smaller space fighters, as is often the case. Mighty warships face off against one another. In the 27th century, the depths of space are host to brutal wars being waged by brave men and women (and cats, and bugs). PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ī series of space-based Flight Sim and combat games from Origin Systems, Inc., dating back to 1990 with spinoffs including one movie, animated series, novels, even a few action figures.

wing commander privateer mods

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  • wing commander privateer mods

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  • Wing commander privateer mods